CPD Certified
This training is only available as an in house event.
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The Freedom Programme is a domestic violence programme which was created by Pat Craven and evolved from her work with perpetrators of domestic violence.
The Programme was primarily designed for women as victims of domestic violence, since research shows that in the vast majority of cases of serious abuse are male on female. However, the programme, when provided as an intensive two day course, is also suitable for men, whether abusive and wishing to change their attitudes and behaviour or whether victims of domestic abuse themselves.
The Freedom Programme examines the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and the responses of victims and survivors. The aim is to help them to make sense of and understand what has happened to them, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess.
The Freedom Programme also describes in detail how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse.
Introduction to the Freedom Programme. (90 minutes)
This is Session One of the Freedom Programme. 'The Dominator'. All trainees must be given a copy of 'Living with the Dominator' and the 'Home Study Course'.
Introduction to Emotional Abuse and Coercive Control (90 minutes)
This is session 5 of the Freedom Programme. 'The Headworker'. Trainees use the question sheets in the Home Study Course to study this aspect of abusive and controlling behaviour. They will then have the understanding to use them one to one with their service users.
The Effects on Children. (90 minutes)
This is Session Four of the Freedom Programme. All trainees must be given a copy of 'Freedom's Flowers'. a book which is based upon this session. This training and the book will provide information which is essential to good practice to anyone whose work brings them in contact with children. Trainees must be told that they can also buy the books from Amazon or directly from me at a discount price.
Plenary Q & A (30 minutes)
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